Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Are Artificial Sweeteners Really That Great?

Ever since the release of artificial sweeteners (for example, Splenda and Equal), companies have been substituting sugar with this substance for many drinks such as diet sodas. Artificial sweeteners' main attraction is they taste like sugar without the effects of sugar. This is exciting news for diabetes patients, amid a sea of unsettling news about medications that increase the risk of bladder cancer and heart attacks.

Artificial sweeteners mean that diabetics can sweeten their foods without affecting their blood sugar levels. Along with this great benefit to many diabetes patients, the American Diabetic Association claims that "artificial sweeteners pass through our systems without being digested so they provide no extra calories".

However, are these artificial sweeteners as great? According to a New York Times article, research shows that artificial sweeteners are associated high rates of lymphoma, leukemia and other cancers in rats that were given a five 20 ounce diet sodas a day. Taking this into consideration, would you still use artificial sweeteners? My advice is to control your sugar cravings, or read my blog post on how to control your sweets cravings!

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